Lab Engineer

– Awais Javaid

– Email: [email protected]

–Contact:  051-9085-4280


There are number of educational institutions and industries surrounding this local area, but no significant facilities are available in the surrounding where academicians, researchers, technologists can get together and share their views & experiences about new techniques and applications of various instruments in research under one roof. In order to cater the needs of all the departments for sophisticated instruments at Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (IESE), Advanced Analytical Laboratory (AAL) was established in 1996.
All students, researchers and faculty members from Environmental Sciences and Engineering Departments of the university are free to avail the services of AAL as per the guidelines laid by the Committee of the AAL. These guidelines are regularly reviewed from time to time. While outside users from Industries, Research & Development Organizations and other educational institutions can be allowed to avail this facility with permission as per guidelines.


The researchers, technologists of advanced Analytical Lab. can share their views about recent development in instrumentation with a broad objective to trains/update students & researchers about advances in instrumentation. We at AAL
Carry out the analysis of samples received from researchers working in various educational and research institutions, industries, labs etc.
Provide facilities to researchers to carry out measurements on sophisticated instruments not available in their own institutions.
Organize short term courses/workshops/training on the use and application of various instruments for the benefit of research scholars, teachers and personnel from other laboratories, universities and industries
Train the scholars about latest sophisticated instruments available in research field.

Available parameters


Elemental Analysis   (Na – U)
Particle size determination  (0.1 -600um)
HC/ THMs Analysis (FID, ECD)
Solvent Separation
wastewater collection

High Tech Instruments:

Element Analyzer  (Model : JSK 3202M,  Manufacturer: Jeol Germany)

Element analyzer is used particularly in the investigation of metals, glass, ceramics, building materials, and for research in geochemistry. It can be qualitative (determining what elements are present), and quantitative  (determining how much of each are present).

Total Organic Carbon  total Nitrogen (TOC/TN) Analyzer  (Model : Multi N/C 3100,  Manufacturer: Analytic Jena)

A total organic carbon analyzer determines the amount of carbon in a water sample.  TOC analyzer measure the CO2 formed when organic carbon is oxidized and/or when inorganic carbon is acidified. Once the CO2 is formed, it is measured by a detector. TOC is typically measured in Parts Per Million (ppm or mg/L).

​Gas Chromatography (GC)    (Model: GC-2010, Manufacturer: Shimadzu)

A gas chromatograph (GC) is an analytical instrument that measures the content of various components in a sample. The instrument consists of two detectors Electron Capture Detector (ECD) and Flame Ionization Detector (FID) along with hydrogen generator air compressor.

​Flow Injection analysis (FIA)   (Model : Quick. Chem 8500,  Manufacturer: Lachat)

FIA is an automated method of chemical analysis in which a sample is injected into a flowing carrier solution that mixes with reagents before reaching a detector. FIA methods are quite versatile used in Industrial, clinical, environmental, agricultural, metallurgical, geological, food mixture relevant, pharmaceutical, and biotechnological research. FIA methods of analysis could be very useful for water analysis.

​Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer    (Model : LA -300, Manufacturer: Horiba)

Particle size distribution analyzers determine both the size of particles and their state of distribution are used for the production control of powders in such fields as ceramics, chemistry, and foodstuffs in the range of 0.1µm to 600 µ is very useful in wastewater analysis.

​Laser Induced breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)   (Model : CFR-200 , Manufacturer:Ocean Optics USA)

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) offers the ability to analyze soil samples with little sample preparation, provides detection of all elements in the periodic table, and has a large dynamic range (ppm to wt. %). LIBS can detect elements from H – Pu, which includes non-metals, such as H, N, F, and O, along with high sensitivity for lighter elements (B, Li, C, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Si, etc.)

​​Autotitrator  (Model : D55122, Manufacturer:  SCHOTT)

Titration is one of the most established analytical technique and is still commonly used in laboratories across the wide variety of application fields. This wide range of applications are possible with Automatic Potentiometric Titrator when it is having high accuracy & reproducibility. It should also have flexibility, good scope to select right parameters for right applications.

​Rotary Evaporator   (Model : LABORTA 4000 , Manufacturer:   Heidolph)

A rotary evaporator is a specially designed instrument for the evaporation of solvent (single-stage or straight distillation) under vacuum. The evaporator consists of a heating bath with a rotating flask, in which the liquid is distributed as a thin film over the hot wall surfaces and can evaporate easily. The evaporation rate is regulated by the heating bath temperature, the size of flask, the pressure of distillations and the speed of rotation.

​Digital Stroboscope  (Model : DT-311A , Manufacturer:  Nidec-Shimpo)

Stroboscope is an instrument used to make a cyclically moving object appear to be slow-moving, or stationary. Stroboscopes play an important role in the study of stresses on machinery in motion, and in many other forms of research.

​Oil Content Analyzer  (Model : OCMA-310 , Manufacturer: Horiba)

The Horiba OCMA-310 analyzer simplifies measurement of oil in water or soil for a wide variety of applications. Use this precision instrument for surveying water quality and hazardous waste sites, industrial wastewater monitoring, post-cleaning discharge analysis, and measuring adherent oil residuals on textiles and metal parts.

​Automatic Water Sampler  (Model: Wag-WE-50190 , Manufacturer: Rizvi & Company)

Automatic water samplers collect samples from a water source to provide accurate water-quality data for stormwater, wastewater, and other water-quality applications.

​Sediment Core Sampler  (Model No: Wag-WE50320 , Manufacturer: UK/EEC/USA)

Core samplers are used when an undisturbed sample of sediment is required. They are suitable especially for clay, silt, or sand bottom and are used more widely in lakes than in streams.

