Department: Environmental Nano Environmental Nano

Environmental Nano

Dr. Hassan Anwer


The Environmental Nano is an emerging research group launched by Dr. Hassan Anwer in 2022. The group aims to develop indigenous technologies and solutions based on nanohybrids and coatings in water/wastewater treatment, air purification, green energy, and sustainable agriculture. The nanotech products of the research group are in high demand in the industry. The research students working in the nanotechnology’s development get the opportunity to develop materials synthesis and characterization skills which go a long way to advance their careers in diverse practical fields.

Research Areas

Air Purification (Adsorptive/catalytic removal of VOCs, NOx, SOx)

Water/wastewater treatment (Adsorptive/catalytic removal of contaminants)

Agriculture (Fertilizer modification, Encapsulated chemical delivery)

Functional Coatings (Antibacterial, heat resistant, light modulation)


  1.  PhD students
  2. MS Students –Completed
  3. MS Students -In Progress
  4. UG Projects- Completed
  5. Research Project Details
    Development of Slow-Release Fertilizers For Sustainable Agriculture, Funding Agency: UNESCO PhosAgro, Funding Amount: PKR 7.4 million, Duration: 12 months
  6.  Patents
  • Nanocomposite immobilization technology based on lattice–matching
  • Air pollutant removal technology based on stainless steel nanotubes filter
  • Alveoli-inspired air pockets for physical entrapment of contaminants in photocatalyst air filters
    7.  Consultancy Project Details