Lab Demonstrator
– Miss Romana Khan
– Email: [email protected]
– Contact: 05190854289
In order to conduct experiments to investigate man-made poisonous chemicals and their effects on the aquatic life, “Environmental Toxicology Lab” was established at Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (IESE) in July, 2015. Chemical as well as bio-monitoring approaches are being used to study the effect of chemicals, natural water, pollutants, and wastes on aquatic and terrestrial lives.
Available parameters
- Ammonia in water
- Biochemical parameters measured in body fluids such as:
- Glucose
- Total protein
- Triglycerides
- Alanine aminotransferase
- Urea
- Uric acid
- Bilirubin
- Creatinine
Experimental Tanks
Toxicity of Chloroform and Idoform
Toxicity of Idoform (CHI3) along with highly abundant trihalomethane, {Chloroform (CHCl3)} was determined in the present study. Young specimens (five fishes per batch) were exposed to control and experimental basin and mortality was observed against applied doses to identified LD50 for (24, 48, 72 and 96 hrs.) of exposure duration. At 96 hrs. the observed LD50 is 90 mg/L and 3 mg/L for chloroform and iodoform respectively. After identification of LD50 acute toxicity was measured by applying single-cell gel electrophoresis (Comet Assay) under Fluorescent Microscope (Optika- B353FL).
In this research project spiking of 3 out of 5 microbial species in consortium to the prototype distribution network is used to analyze the potential at varying disinfectant dose ( 1%, 10%, 50% V/V ) and contact times (10 sec, 1 min, 10 min). Dose and Ct optimization against individual species and in microbial consortium. Addition of precursors to simulate real distribution network conditions.
In this research project the idea is to make micro-algal biomass production viable by designing advanced low cost photo bioreactor; requiring no additional land, minimal water use and mitigate atmospheric CO2. Porous Substrate Bioreactor (PSBR) uses a principle to separate the algae from a nutrient solution by means of a porous reactor surface on which the microalgae are trapped in biofilms.
Major Tests
Kirby-Bauer Test
Kirby-Bauer test is used to measure antibiotic sensitivity. In Kirby-Bauer testing, bacteria are placed on a plate of solid growth medium and wafers of antibiotics (white disks, shown) are added to the plate. After allowing the bacteria to grow overnight, areas of clear media surrounding the disks indicate that the antibiotic inhibits bacterial growth. The concentration of antibiotic that diffuses into the media decreases with increasing distance from the source. Therefore, the more sensitive the bacteria are to a given antibiotic, the larger the clear bacteria-free zone that forms around the disk containing that antibiotic.
Disk Diffusion Test
The disk diffusion test is used to measure antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria. It uses antibiotic discs to test the extent to which bacteria are affected by those antibiotics. In this test, wafers containing antibiotics are placed on an agar plate where bacteria have been placed, and the plate is left to incubate. If an antibiotic stops the bacteria from growing or kills the bacteria, there will be an area around the wafer where the bacteria have not grown enough to be visible. This is called a zone of inhibition.