1. Studies on Lyari river effluents
January 01, 1999
M Altaf Khan, Imran Hashmi, A Rashid, GR Niaz, F Khan
Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research – Vol.42(5), Pages 230-235
2. Chemical processing of Pharmaceutical wastewater for Pollution control
January 01, 1999
Imran Hashmi, S Nazrul Hasnain, M. Altaf Khan
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences – Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 1263-1267
1.Pollution profile of farm vegetables and tube well water in Karachi and its adjoining area
January 01, 2001
Moazzam Ali Khan, S. Shahid Shaukat, Imran Hashmi, M Altaf Khan
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences – Volume 4(3), Pages 196-199
1.Growth response of a selected bacterial population (Pseudomonas) exposed to Malathion
January 01, 2002
Dr. Imran Hashmi, M.A. Khan, Kim Jong-Guk
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences – Volume 5, Pages 699-703
1.Comparison of degradation studies in a biosimulator by continuous cultivation of Pseudomonas and indigenous microorganisms with varied dissolved oxygen concentrations
January 01, 2003
Imran Hashmi, Jong-Guk Kim
International journal of environment and pollution – Volume 19, Issue 2, Pages 123-138
2.Comparison of Growth Kinetics in Pseudomonas using Two Different Sets of Conditions
January 01, 2003
Imran Hashmi, Jong-Guk Kim
The Environmentalist – Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 71-80
1.Malathion degradation by Pseudomonas using activated sludge treatment system (Biosimulator)
January 01, 2004
Imran Hashmi, Muhammed Altaf Khan , Jong B. Guk Kim
Biotechnology (Pakistan) – Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 82-89
1.Wastewater monitoring of pharmaceutical industry: Treatment and rescue options
August 01, 2005
Imran Hashmi
Electronics Journal of Environmental Agricultural and Food Chemistry. ISSN:1579-4377, – Vol. 4, Issue 4, Pages 994-1004
2. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) levels from two industrial zones (Shiwa and Banwai) located in An-san city of the Korean Peninsula and their influences on Lake
January 01, 2005
Imran Hashmi, Kim Jong–Guk, Sim Kim Kyoung, Park Jin-Soo
Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Management – Vol.9, Issue 3, Pages 53-59, 2005
1.Quality of drinking water in Hub River catchment area, Sindh, Pakistan
January 01, 2006
M. Ali Khan, S. Raheel Zafar, Sarah Arif, Imran Hashmi
International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology – Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 161-167
2.Determination of Protein in Municipal Sludge of Karachi University Campus
January 01, 2006
M.A Khan, Imran Hashmi, Omme Hany, N.A. Khan
International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology – Volume 3(3), Pages 639-641
1.Performance evaluation of biosimulator for treating domestic wastewater using activated sludge treatment system
June 01, 2007
Imran Hashmi
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management – Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 129-136
1.Monitoring of Coliforms and chlorine residual in water distribution network of Rawalpindi, Pakistan
May 01, 2008
Shaukat Farooq, Imran Hashmi, Ishtiaq A. Qazi, Sara Qaiser, Sajida Rasheed
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment – Volume 140, Issue 1-3, Pages 339-347
1.Chlorination and water quality monitoring within a public drinking water supply in Rawalpindi Cantt (Westridge and Tench) area, Pakistan?
November 01, 2009
Imran Hashmi, Shaukat Farooq, Sara Qaiser
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment – Volume 158, Issue 1-4, Pages 393-403
2. Incidence of fecal contamination within a public drinking water supply in Ratta Amral, Rawalpindi
November 01, 2009
Imran Hashmi, Shaukat Farooq, Sara Qaiser
Desalination and Water Treatment – Volume 11, Issue 1-3, Pages 124-131
3. Waste Auditing in Pesticide Sector: Towards Cleaner production
January 01, 2009
Imran Hashmi, M. Altaf Khan
NUST Journal of Engineering Sciences, ISSN: 2070-9900, – Vol. 2, No. 1, pages 26-33, 2009
4. Prediction of membrane fouling in MBR systems using empirically estimated specific cake resistance
July 10, 2009
Sher Jamal Khan, C. Visvanathan, V. Jegatheesan
Bioresour Technology, ISSN: 0960-8524,Vol.100(23), Pages 6133-6, Dec 2009 –
5.Evaluation of the adsorption potential of titanium dioxide nanoparticles for arsenic removal
March 18, 2009
Deedar Nabi, Irfan Aslam, Ishtiaq A. Qazi
Journal of Environmental Sciences – Volume 21, Issue 3, Pages 402-408
6.The effect of ultrasonic irradiation on the anaerobic digestion of activated sludge
August 12, 2009
Farooq R., Faiza Rehman, Sofia Baig, Maria Sadique, Sajjad Khan, Umar Farooq, Abdur Rehman, Ather Farooq, Arshed Pervez, Mukhtar-ul-Hassan, S.F. Shaukat
World Applied Sciences Journal – Volume 6, Issue 2
7. Ultrasound in chemical processes
July 09, 2009
Sofia Baig, Robina Farooq, Amir Haider, Nadia Baig Uzbek
Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan – Volume 31, Issue 6, Pages 857-862