Department: Environmental Microbiology Teaching Lab Environmental Microbiology Teaching Lab

Environmental Microbiology Teaching Lab

Dr. Imran Hashmi

Lab PI/ Incharge

– Dr. Imran Hashmi
– Email: [email protected]
– Contact: 051-90854309

Lab Demonstrator

– Miss Mehwish Khalid

– Email: [email protected]

– Contact: 05190854288


In order to conduct Microbial analysis of all environmental samples at Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (IESE), Environmental Microbiology Teaching Lab was established in 2005.
Research activities in the Environmental microbiology teaching lab are divided between teaching basic microbiology experiments to the undergrad and providing full state-of-art equipment and lab infra-structure for conducting MS and PhD level research. The sophisticated instrumentation in lab needs proper care and precautionary measures. Keeping this in view all the research students are advised to follow the set of instructions.

Major Tests

Bacteriological examination of water by MF Technique
Microbiological Monitoring of Air and water Quality
Effect of Temperature on Growth of Microorganisms
Study of the Algal population of waste stabilization ponds
Enumeration of Soil Microorganisms
Identification of bacterial species
Genotoxicity of Chlorine by-products
Biodegradation studies
PCR and gene sequencing
Testing of erythrocyte nuclear abnormalities
Enumeration of helminthes eggs and parasitic worms
Translocation pf microorganisms in plants
Enumeration of entophytes
Quorum sensing

Available parameters

Biochemical tests (Oxidase, Catalase)
“Detection/Isolation/Quantification of
Electrical Conductivity
Optical Density
Total phosphorous

Microbial Water Quality Analysis

The testing is precise, accurate and reliable due to the latest apparatus available in the lab in addition to the expertise of the staff. The entire equipment used in testing is regularly calibrated in order to maintain its accuracy.

Standard Plate Count Test
Standard Coliform
Fecal Coliform

Major Equipment

Gradient Thermal Cycler

Gel Electrophoresis Horizontal

Gel Doc system

Digital Autoclave


Portable UV/Vis Spectrophotometer

Laminar Flow Hood

Refrigerated Micro centrifuge

Ice Flaking Machine:

Leica Microscope

Water Bath

DO meter

Colony counter

Orbital Shaker