About Us Message From Associate Dean

Message From Associate Dean

Professor Dr. Muhammad Arshad

Welcome to the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (IESE) at National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST). Environmental Sciences is a multidisciplinary field that integrates the Biological, Physical, Social and the ​life Sciences to understand the life support systems and sustainable development.​

​The IESE is the home to several undergraduate, graduate students besides highly qualified and experienced faculty. Faculty at IESE, critically examine environmental problems and emphasise to craft sustainable solutions. Our Faculty and MS and PhD students are engaged in quality research aimed at solving local environmental problems through indigenous solutions.​​

​As an institute, we are committed to integrate scientific discovery, education, and real-life applications. Our students work with faculty in classroom and laboratory, and also participate in valuable internships and outreach initiatives beyond the university. Whether through lecture series, self-designed projects, or abroad opportunities, students find themselves developing the skills, knowledge, and insight to construct their own global perspectives. IESE emphasise on:

  • Excellence in research, teaching and service;
  • Enhancing diversity; and,
  • Fostering harmony among our alumni, faculty, staff and students.

As the Associate Dean of IESE, I am committed that our community of alumni, faculty, staff and students thrive in research, teaching and service, and take pride in excellence in everything we do. I look forward to recruiting outstanding diverse faculty who will enhance our strong research profile, strengthen our graduate programs in terms of their quality, quantity and diversity, mentor and integrate research and learning experiences for our students at all levels. Excellence in work, respect for diversity, and outstanding citizenship are our expectations.
Building partnerships with our alumni and friends in business, industry and government is an important priority for us to:

  • Increase research funding;
  • Provide futuristic research and learning facilities; and,
  • Establish professorships and fellowships.

IESE continues to build on our strengths and foster multidisciplinary research across the campus and around the globe. It provides experiential learning to train problem solvers and build future engineers and scientist as leaders of society. Our fundamental and applied research lays a foundation for future inventions, economic development, start-up companies, and addresses global challenges related to sustainability, health and security.
Please visit and explore, experience, discover and achieve excel in your career at IESE!

Institute of Environmental Sciences & Engineering (IESE)​​ ​